Sleeping Secrets

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Mrs. PG has written another book.

When she goes quiet on PG, his suspicions are raised. Either she has gambled away the old homestead or she’s back in the drug trade. Or perhaps a holiday is approaching and she’s planning a surprise party. Or one of the PG offspring is pregnant or married to someone who’s pregnant.

PG becomes mystified. Bafflement confronts him on all sides.

Finally, it all comes clear, the reasons why the printer is low on toner for the second time in a week and he’s been finding twenty-pound boxes marked Georgia Pacific in the trunk with the groceries when he unloads the results of the latest Costco run.

Mrs. PG has written another book.

But PG repeats himself, himself.

What’s the book about?

Pickett’s Charge?

The Russo–Japanese War?

Athenian naval tactics in the Peloponnese?

An intimate history of the Federal Reserve System?

Wrong on all counts.

It’s about Sleeping Secrets, which explains the title, Sleeping Secrets.

One might think it is a book about cures for snoring.

One might think that, but one would be wrong. Besides Secrets don’t snore when they’re asleep.

Some secrets have been secrets so long and have been hidden so well, one might describe them as secrets that have dozed off.

Only certain secrets remain somnolent for a long time. Your mother’s recipe for fried chicken is not such a secret. Nor is the name of your boyfriend when you were twelve.

These secrets originate in the Balkans, the world’s premier location for plotting, assassination, double-dealing and sedition. Cabals form in the Balkans with the ease that foursomes form in a golf course bar. There’s something in the Balkan air that promotes infinitely complex conspiracy in the same way that there’s something in South Bend’s air that promotes smashmouth football teams.

If you thought, “three yards and a cloud of dust” originated in the Balkans, you would be a soccer fan.

On the other hand, PG wonders if some types of secrets might occasionally snore while they’re asleep. Certitude on that point may be taking existing knowledge further than is warranted by the scientific literature.

But he digresses.

The PG’s would be most appreciative if you would consider a commercial transaction involving Mrs. PG’s latest book, Sleeping Secrets.

6 thoughts on “Sleeping Secrets”

  1. I’m always happy to see another book on Gettysburg, the Russo-Japanese war or (especially) Athenian trireme tactics, though my interest in the history of the Federal Reserve is rather limited.

    It’s a bit disappointing that Mrs PG has written another romance rather than switching genre’s but I guess that we just have to congratulate her (and judging by what I’ve read of her earlier works I’m sure that it will be a good read). Maybe Mr PG can point her in another direction next time (he Kindle version of Thucydides is free and would be a nice gift).

    • Thanks for your comment, A.

      Mrs. PG hasn’t decided whether she’ll stay in the present or travel back a couple of hundred years for her next book.

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