3 thoughts on “The Farm”

  1. I might watch it if it were a movie. But I know all of the goodies that are in the trailer won’t appear in the book.

    What I’m looking for in a book trailer is a hint of who’s in the story, what it’s about, how it’s told. You know. Story-like things.

  2. Yeah, I have mixed feelings about book trailers, especially ones that use real-world actors and imagery. I would consider creating something less on-the-nose or more bookish, like that Wedig text one.

    Similar reason to why I don’t like full-face model covers.

  3. I’m guessing not every midlister gets a trailer made for their books, but for the one-percenters there is a use of trad-pub.

    (Though to be honest, if I see a trailer I’m expecting a movie – not a book … 😛 )


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