Firefox Problems

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PG just read an email from a visitor to TPV:

I was having difficulty seeing posts between 11/19 and the present. I was using Firefox. Today it occurred to me to try Edge, and I was able to see all the posts I’ve been missing..

Has anyone else been having similar problems with Firefox or any other browser? PG hadn’t heard anything about this issue before.

If so, please post a comment to this post.

PG will do some checking to see if he can determine whether this is a WordPress problem, a problem with the WP theme he’s using or something else.

Any suggestions or ideas about a solution would be welcome.

9 thoughts on “Firefox Problems”

  1. Firefox on Android caches pages too long. Every other day I have to use desktop version to force the uncached page to see posts.

  2. PG received the following comment from Loretta:

    I usually scan TPV in one browser and read it in another, it’s a workaround to tiny type. I use Firefox to log on directly to TPV for reading. Sometimes the newest posts are not there, just the ones from previous days. I’ve found that using the reload button in the upper bar of Firefox brings up the newest post.

  3. I had the problem for weeks until I turned off the “Enhanced Tracking Protection” from the url bar. That solved my problem.

  4. I switched from Firefox to Chrome to read TPV a few months ago because of this. I have other things that I access that I have to use Chrome for.

  5. Never had a problem seeing TPG posts with Firefox. Maybe the reader who emailed you only needs to be sure he has the latest version. I do (seldom) have to refresh the page sometimes.

  6. I also did a test of the site with various browsers. I made a point of putting Firefox into the most strict security settings and everything worked fine. It’s probably a plug-in or something else in the back of that visitor’s browser or maybe it’s a really old version of Firefox?

  7. I have the same problem regularly (firefox) and just habitually now shift-reload to see new posts. It is a caching problem – somewhere along the line the page gets cached. This is an issue with your cache control header, possibly one that only firefox exposes.

    one thing to check is the system time your server has set, since variations of that can hose everything.

    Someone using firefox for the first time, or first time in a long time, won’t see the problem.

  8. I noticed similar problems using Firefox on Linux. The problem appears to be that Firefox is sometimes loading its cached version of the page without refreshing, sometimes for days. It’s easy to simply force a refresh by using ctl-r. I think holding down shift and clicking on reload also does the job.

    I haven’t noticed this in a couple of weeks so updating your browser may also do the job.

  9. I’ve no idea of the cause of your visitor’s problem, but I’ve just tried Firefox on a PC running Windows 10 Pro (from whence this comment is coming) and found no problems, and there are equally none on Chrome, Opera or Edge. Firefox (and Opera and Chrome) also work fine on an Android tablet so it doesn’t sound like it’s a WordPress problem, but it is odd if Firefox is working on all websites other than The Passive Voice.

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