Best-Selling English-Language Nonfiction Books of the 20th Century

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From InfoPlease:

  1. The Education of Henry Adams, Henry Adams (1906)
  2. The Varieties of Religious Experience, William James (1902)
  3. Up from Slavery, Booker T. Washington (1901)
  4. A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf (1929)
  5. Silent Spring, Rachel Carson (1962)
  6. Selected Essays, 1917–1932, T. S. Eliot (1932)
  7. The Double Helix, James D. Watson (1968)
  8. Speak, Memory, Vladimir Nabokov (1967)
  9. The American Language, H. L. Mencken (1919)
  10. The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, John Maynard Keynes (1935–1936)
  11. The Lives of a Cell, Lewis Thomas (1974)
  12. The Frontier in American History, Frederick Jackson Turner (1920)
  13. Black Boy, Richard Wright (1945)
  14. Aspects of the Novel, E. M. Forster (1927)
  15. The Civil War, Shelby Foote (1958–1974)
  16. The Guns of August, Barbara Tuchman (1962)
  17. The Proper Study of Mankind, Isaiah Berlin (1997)
  18. The Nature and Destiny of Man, Reinhold Niebuhr (1941–1943)
  19. Notes of a Native Son, James Baldwin (1955)
  20. The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, Gertrude Stein (1933)

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