3 thoughts on “I regard romantic comedies”

  1. Thanks for the education, J and K.

    I hadn’t seen the term before, but can’t wait to use mondegreen in a conversation.

  2. Extra points for one of my favorite words with a ballad source: mondegreen (from “[laid hi]m on the green”).

    For those not familiar with it (I bet there are few in this group), this comes from The Bonnie Earl of Murray, a Scottish traditional ballad, and is a mishearing of: “Ye Hielands & ye Lowlands, oh where ha’e ye been? They have slain the Earl o’ Murray, and laid him on the green.”

    “Mondegreen” now stands for all such made-up words from mishearings.

  3. I feel the same way about musicals. Everyone magically knowing how to dance in step, and sing on key all the right words, without a mondegreen or missed verse in the bunch.

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