Irregular Posting

This content has been archived. It may no longer be accurate or relevant.

PG will be a bit irregular in his postings for the next couple of days.

All is well, but other activities and obligations will make it difficult to post as normal.

(This post was scheduled to appear last Friday, late in the afternoon. When PG pulled up TPV early on Saturday morning, he saw (or thought he saw) that this post had appeared. Today, he discovered he was wrong. He apologies to one and all for his unintentionally unannounced absence. All is well with Mrs. PG and her less-apt husband.)

5 thoughts on “Irregular Posting”

  1. Being “birthing person’s day” weekend a likely expectation was a welcomed invasion of descendants. Concern woukd begin tomorrow.
    Glad to hear all is well.

    • I am very much in favor of descendants, Felix, and find them quite enjoyable. Although I have not changed a diaper in years, I would still man up if the occasion presented itself again.

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