Miss Saunders Takes a Journey

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Mrs. PG has just published a new book called, Miss Saunders Takes a Journey.”

As you may have already guessed, here’s the cover.

So, what is this book about? More importantly, what is Miss Saunders’ destination?

First of all, as you may have gathered, Miss Saunders looks good in sparkly lavender. Mrs. PG also looks good in sparkly lavender.

PG has never worn sparkly lavender, but he doesn’t think he would look good in that color.

Even if the Chicago Cubs release a logo sweatshirt in sparkly lavender, PG is not buying it. Any guy showing up at Wrigley Field in a sparkly lavender sweatshirt is going to be accused of being a Dodgers fan. Beer may be spilled.

PG associates men wearing sparkly lavender clothing with Las Vegas.

And that may be a clue to the question, “If Miss Saunders is taking a journey, where is she going?”

Mrs. PG’s book is a Regency romance, but there could be a twist. What if Miss Saunders took a journey to Las Vegas? That would be a sort of genre fusion between Jane Austen and Hunter Thompson.

Hunter Thompson might wear sparkly lavender in Vegas so he and Miss Saunders would be color-compatible.

There are two ways to journey to Vegas. Both involve Interstate 15, depending on where you start. Interstate 15 involves desert, lots of desert, maybe more than one desert, gaggles of deserts.

(Yes, you can fly to Vegas . . . Today! But this is a Regency romance and airplanes would not be appropriate to the period. If you could time transport back to Regency Vegas, you would see nothing but horse-drawn carriages on I-15. No airplanes.)

If you look at Mrs. PG’s cover, you might say, “That doesn’t look anything like Las Vegas! Where’s the desert?”

PG has two words to say to you scoffers, “Caesers Palace!!!” (Caeser doesn’t believe in apostrophes.)

See, no desert! Caesar thinks desert is so last year. But the place reeks of Regency.

But wait! There is another clue!

Cleverly hidden in Mrs. PG’s cover is a subtle element that points straight to Caesars Palace. It’s a smoking gun! (Yes, they had smoke during the Regency. Georgette Heyer described one of her heroes named Ambrose as “smokin’ hot!”)

Here’s what PG is talking about.

Here’s a magnified image.

That’s a spitting image of the back side of Caesars Palace during a lavender desert sunset! You can’t see the big billboard from this angle, but you can feel that Caesars Palace vibe and almost hear the slot machines.

PG apologizes, but he has disjointed his cerebrum and needs to go and lie down for a little while.

PG and Mrs. PG would be most appreciative if you checked out Mrs. PG’s book on Amazon.

5 thoughts on “Miss Saunders Takes a Journey”

  1. PG, I fear your logic fails as I-15 hadn’t been finished in 1817, so Miss Saunders would never have reached Vegas. Clearly she took the Bath road instead and ended up staring at the Royal Crescent and wondering where the water came from and why the lamps looked like they belonged on a bridge in Paris.

    Beautiful cover image – no doubts at all about the sub-genre – and the high contrast between text and background ensures title and author are legible (which is more than can be said for quite a few of the Recommendations & Popular Items that appear at the foot of the Amazon product page).

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