Our book launch was botched and it’s been crazy at work trying to fix it

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From Medium:

I’m trying to remember when it was last this crazy at work. Before we spent a month fighting poor planning and terrible execution on the publication of our new book It Doesn’t Have To Be Crazy At Work. Was it when we got DDoS’ed over two days and were fighting to keep Basecamp on the internet? Was it when we touched the third rail and spoke about customer data in public? Or do we have to go all the way back to the early days when Basecamp went down whenever I, as the only technical person at the time, would get on an airplane?

Whenever it was, it’s been so long that I had almost forgotten the cocktail of feelings that go with it. That mix of frustration, exhaustion, exasperation, and, perhaps for a fleeting moment, even disbelief. Why is this happening! How could we be this stupid?

But now it’s back. Oh it’s back. Publishing It Doesn’t Have To Be Crazy At Workhas been the most frustrated, exhausting, exasperated, and even unbelievable process. For the dumbest reasons too.

It started with the design. When we signed on with our new publisher, the shared intent was to publish a new book in the same format as REWORK and REMOTE. So we designed a powerful new cover to the same dimensions, and felt really proud about how clean and clear we managed to make it. We were so invested in the impact of the cover that we didn’t even put our names on it!

But when we saw the final book, our hearts sank. This wasn’t right. The book wasn’t the same format. It was taller, so the dimensions were off. And the translation of our design was a complete hack job. It wasn’t even centered on the page!

Yeah, nobody else is likely to notice. Nobody else knows what it was supposed to look like. But we did. We noticed. And when you pour your heart into a book like this, which we’ve been thinking about in some form or another for almost a decade, it hurts.

Okay. Mistakes happen. We were partly to blame. We could have triple checked. We fell for the illusion of agreement, because we weren’t looking at the final thing. Whatever. The second printing would get it right. Bygones.

Forgiving what happened next proved to be much harder.

Harper Business bought the rights to publish It Doesn’t Have To Be Crazy At Work with a mid six-figure offer. They outbid another publisher who were in the final running for the rights by a fair margin. Awesome, we thought. This means they’re really invested in blowing this out! This is going to be great.

It was not great.

Despite paying top dollar for the book, Harper Business decided to only print 14,000 copies in the first run. That 14,000 was based on the first orders from retailers. Barnes & Noble wanted 4,000 copies. Amazon wanted 3,300. The rest went largely to independents and wholesalers, and a few for overseas. Once everyone had gotten what they had ordered, Harper Business had no books left. The whole first run was spoken for.

This is where I kick myself. You think when you’re dealing with a major publisher like Harper that you’re safe to leave the details of the printing and the publishing in their hands. This isn’t some upstart publisher. They’ve been around forever. They publish so many books. They’re the professionals, right?

But if we had dared to question that premise — that they’re the professionals, they know what they’re doing — we’d have remembered that we printed 34,000 copies of REWORK. Our first book! The one that went on to sell more than half a million copies around the world. So why were we printing so few books this time around? We’d soon try to in vain to answer that question.

. . . .

But this book got off to a roaring start. We flew up the Amazon best seller list, making it to #24 one of the first days. Then we sold out their entire stock in less than 5 days. What joy! What celebration!

If only. Amazon selling out their stock right away was a disaster. Not because of the copies sold, but because Harper seemed to be taken completely by surprise. They had no books ready to restock, because they printed so few in the first place. The first reprint wasn’t even set to go, because they dillydallied fixing the busted cover design. And worse, the remaining 11,000 books that had gone to Barnes & Nobles and wholesalers and independents could barely be accounted for. We couldn’t get straight answers on who had the books, or whether any of them could be sent to Amazon, since that was clearly where people wanted to buy the book.

The bookscan numbers for the first week hammered this point home. While Amazon had sold 3,300 books, Barnes & Noble — who had ordered even more than Amazon for their first order! — had sold a pathetic 240 copies. And at least 10% of those sales were either us or friends or family excited to see the book in a physical bookstore.

Here’s what worse: Harper knew this would happen. They had told us that Amazon on some titles were 70–90% of sales! In our case, Amazon was over 90% of hardcover books sold the first week, despite the fact that we had gone out of our way to guide sales to B&N during the pre-order phase.

So let’s do the math here: You print 14,000 books for the first printing. You know that Amazon is going to be up to 90% of sales. Wouldn’t you then reserve a good 10,000+ books for Amazon? Harper’s excuse? Amazon’s buyer just said they wanted 3,300 copies, so that’s all we gave them, and we held nothing back for a restock…

And that’s even accepting the premise that 14,000 copies is a good number of books to print for a title you’ve paid mid six figures to acquire. It costs less than $2 to print a book. So Harper spent less than $30,000 to print books, because their planning department didn’t want to risk sitting with $10,000 worth of unsold inventory if the book should bomb.

That’s what the team at Harper literally told us.

. . . .

All of this would just have been a funny anecdote about how dysfunctional large bureaucracies can be, if it wasn’t for what happened next. Taken aback that the book was selling(?!), Harper then had to scramble to get the second printing together. That took a month. Today is the first day that Amazon actually have books in stock ready for delivery tomorrow. They sold out on October 6th.

In that month, all our sales momentum for the hardcover book died out. We had all this publicity lined up. An incredible review by The Economist. Wonderful write-ups in WSJ and The Times UK. Podcast appearances coming out the wazoo. All the built-up excitement for a book that’s hitting right in an industry-wide discussion about toxic work environments and the cost of burning people out. It’s hard to have timed all this better, or, I suppose worse.

Because what good is having a wonderful launch campaign, if you have no books to sell? After Amazon sold out, our book page would scare away potential readers away with a 2–4 week delivery time notice. One time it even said it might be 2 months before the book was back in stock!

. . . .

So why did it take Harper Business a month to get our newly released book back in stock? Because of Trump. Because of tariffs. Because of paper shortages. Because there were a lot of other big books being published at the same time. Because of consolidation in the book printing business. I kid you not, these were all excuses pitched by Harper as to why there were no books.

. . . .

But no one else at our scale had their launch quite this spectacularly botched by the publisher not doing the due diligence to account for these challenges. Out of all the other new releases that broke into the top 50 on Amazon, we were the only title out of stock for a long time.

We’d get these long serenades about how they too were really frustrated. How these things just happen! How it was going to get fixed any day now, but they just weren’t exactly sure when. How mad they were and what loud noises they were making when talking to the departments in charge.

Every possible excuse except for “the dog ate my homework”. Which, really, would have been a more compelling excuse than “tariffs”. Because that’s really what it comes down to. We botched our launch because someone didn’t do the homework. They didn’t print an appropriate amount of books to the scale of the book, they had no solid plans for a second printing when the first one ran out, and they had no capacity for anticipating that all the factors that had been in play for months (like paper shortages or tariffs or, ffs, Trump) would impact the process.

They were unprepared for and proved incapable of doing the one job you absolutely must do as a book publisher: Print. The. Books.

. . . .

Anyway. It’s been crazy at work. Needlessly so. Painfully so. Frustratingly so. But, like all moments of crazy, it also held a buffet of lessons for us to take. Like, never work with Harper Business on another book again… kidding… sorta… maybe… 😂

No really. We went for the publisher who bid the highest, and we assumed this meant they had real skin in the game. We went with a major publisher, so we assumed they all knew what they were doing, and we didn’t have to double check every publishing decision. We made a deal with a single acquiring editor without meeting the rest of the team, because that played to our bias that someone entrusted to write a mid six-figure check on their own would have the authority to call the shots that mattered, but we still ended up haggling over $10,000 in costs to print books.

Link to the rest at Medium and thanks to Morgan for the tip.

PG will note that the book has 43 reviews on Amazon with an average of 4.6 stars.

8 thoughts on “Our book launch was botched and it’s been crazy at work trying to fix it”

  1. This is what you get when you go with Trad Pub. No surprises here for TPVers. Looks like the OP writer sure was blindsided. Play a fool’s game, get a fool’s result. Too bad.

  2. Didn’t something very similar happen with a tech investor some years ago, who then published an op-ed on the 1001 ways the publisher didn’t know basic business? Another of the big v, too.

    I find it quirky that these people seem to assume competence. I don’t think they would do that in their own field.

    Also, did I miss something or they changed publisher for this project? “Oh, my previous contractor was great to work with, but I’ll do the living room with the lowest bidder”

    Take care

    PS. The submit button disappears depending on how I hold my mobile

  3. The key to understanding this particular mess lies in the “mid six figure advance”.

    They took the money and in the process put themselves at the mercy of the publisher. Yes, they could have self published and very probably knew it. But they wanted the quick cash of the payday loan. They got it but their calculation of the cost of the loan was off when the launch went south on them.

    They made (unwarranted) assumptions about the priorities and competence of the publisher and ended up dissatisfied.

    Too bad, really.
    But still, they got their “mid six figure” loan. That was apparently very important to them.

    • Of course the money was very important to them. If we can read these pages, and can see it is extremely important to lots of authors, especially when it’s coming from traditional publishers.

      And their loan? Let’s see how much they actually have to pay back.

    • But still, they got their “mid six figure” loan. That was apparently very important to them.

      Read these pages, and we can see the money is very important to lots of authors, especially the money they don’t get from publishers.

      • Did I say it wasn’t?

        Read the OP and what comes through is that they left a publisher who had done right by them for HC *solely* for the advance. Over and over it repeats the magical number.

        To me the real message of the post is that they let the big advance blind them to everything else. In that they were no different than the dreamers, blinded by the validation of a publishing contract agree to clearly predatory terms without considering the implications.

        If there is one lesson we’ve all learned is to read the freaking contract. Whether Indie or tradpub, if it’s not spelled out in detail you’re not getting it. And I have yet to hear of a single BPH contract that addresses any of the issues they *assumed* came with the advance.

        Different people have different goals. That doesn’t make any one better than the others but if the money is *all* that matters to you then you shouldn’t be surprised that money is *all* you get. The same for validation by contract: if all you care about is getting a contract, don’t be surprised if that’s all you get out of the transaction.

        As pointed out in today’s other post, J.K. Rowling was very careful what she agreed to from *day one* when, according to the legend she was in dire economic straights.

        Different objectives and different value systems lead to different outcomes. We make our choices and live with the consequences.

        • Did I say it wasn’t?

          I don’t think you mentioned contributors to these pages and the apparent importance of money to them..

  4. What a great tale of nurturing. Here’s your money quote…

    The bookscan numbers for the first week hammered this point home. While Amazon had sold 3,300 books, Barnes & Noble — who had ordered even more than Amazon for their first order! — had sold a pathetic 240 copies.

    BaseCamp is a well known web-based project and team management tool. These are very computer and web-savvy guys.

    So someone please explain to me why they are filled with angst over their paper books?

    HC didn’t print enough books, based on previous author performance, which HC seem to be oblivious to.

    HC knew that Amazon would sell most of the books, but didn’t send enough to Amazon.

    HC sent many more books to B&N, even though HC knew that B&N was unlikely to sell them.

    When the authors found out after the fact that Amazon sells the books, and that B&N doesn’t, they blame HC for not telling them about that, even though the authors expressly sent potential customers to B&N. (is that ADS I smell in the air?)

    Once Amazon sold out, the authors (incredibly stupidly) assumed they could just claw back what had been sent to B&N and send it to Amazon instead.

    (wait until they find out that the books B&N didn’t sell will come back as remainders, and not make them any money!)


    What they didn’t mention is that the Kindle edition doesn’t need to be printed.

    What they also didn’t mention is that the price of the Kindle edition is $14.99, which somewhat explains why there are only 43 reviews of their supposedly awesome book.

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