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From The Oxford English Dictionary:

pratique, n.

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Permission granted to a ship to use a port after quarantine, or on showing a clean bill of health; a licence, letter, etc., granting this. Now also applied to aircraft.

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1609 W. Biddulph Trauels Certaine Englishmen 5 Zante. We staied ten dayes in the rode of this city before we could get Pratticke, that is: leaue to come amongst them, or to vse traffique with them.

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1663 S. Pepys Diary 14 Dec. (1971) IV. 418 To remove the inconveniences his ships are put to [at Leghorn] by denial of pratique—which is a thing that is nowadays made use of only as a cheat.

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1927 F. B. Young Portrait of Clare 224 She knew it was her duty to obtain a kind of moral pratique before she entered this uninfected port.

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