Publishers, Citing Diversity Concerns, Drop Romance Conference

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PG doesn’t usually include two items from the same source on the same day, but he’ll make an exception for this one.

From The New York Times:

Harlequin, Avon and other romance publishers said Wednesday that they will not attend or sponsor this year’s Romance Writers of America conference, another setback for the organization as it struggles with the backlash to its handling of a racism accusation.

The event, held annually in the summer since the 1980s, typically attracts about 2,000 attendees. It is a major source of revenue for the R.W.A. as well as a key networking opportunity for romance writers, agents and editors looking for new talent. This year’s conference is scheduled to begin July 29 in San Francisco.

But some of the romance genre’s biggest publishers are reconsidering in light of the organization’s turmoil, which has been ongoing since late last year when it suspended a member after she criticized another romance novel as racist. 

Link to the rest at The New York Times