Blogging Resumes Tomorrow

Today has been consumed by the creation of responses to a large number of Takedown Orders (212) PG received today for TPV postings, citing alleged violations under Section 512(c)(3)(A) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act

He received them from what appears to be a Takedown Order Generating company located in Britain.

PG suspects this organization spidered all of PG’s available posts and pulled out any posts that included excerpts from their clients’ publications, all of which appeared to be British publishers – The Economist, The Telegraph, The Guardian, etc., etc.

He further suspects that no actual humans were involved in determining whether Takedown Orders were, in fact legitimately permissible given the nature and purpose of PG’s use of excerpts from the various publications and all other Fair Use considerations.

PG has done a lot of research and will be filing his responses early tomorrow, within the statutory time frame permitted for doing so. As you might have anticipated, PG believes that his excerpts were and are permitted under the laws of the US and other civilized Western Nations.

He’ll share more information about his adventures in Takedown Land as events transpire.

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