Comments and Other New Theme Issues

This content has been archived. It may no longer be accurate or relevant.

PG has been catching up on messages sent through the Contact Page on TPV following the departure of various members of the extended PG family.

Problems with the Comment function of the new theme were reported by a couple of visitors.

PG will look into a fix on that.

Feel free to post any problems you are having either in comments to this post or via the Comment page (some of the comments sent via the Comment page have been getting through).

While PG has been regularly updating various plugins when updates have become available, he suspects the new theme is surfacing plugin issues that the old theme had been living with.

UPDATE: If you have suggestions for alternates to misbehaving WP plugins, feel free to include them in your responses.

4 thoughts on “Comments and Other New Theme Issues”

  1. After all your adventures with the web page, how much would you have paid for a straight forward guide? No fluff, just instructions on how to do stuff.

    Write it. Put it on KDP and charge $8.

    • If the guide covered the issues I encountered moving from an old theme to a new one, I would definitely have paid for a guide, E.

      However, I’m not certain how many of my issues were due to the specifics of the themes involved here and how many would be general for anyone moving to a new theme.

      I spent a lot of time trying to make parts of this theme look like those of the prior theme (or have a similar feel) which I and a lot of TPV visitors liked. Had the author of the prior theme kept it up-to-date, I don’t think I would ever have switched.

  2. All looking better and better, PG.

    One suggestion about Comments: I like it when sites/blogs include a line at the top of each post indicating how many comments there are (or, if none saying something like: “Leave a comment”). It’s a useful marker (for me) and it also usually allows the visitor to skip directly to the Comments section if the post is long (e.g., on a repeat visit).

    Not sure what your theme’s capabilities are in this regard, or if there’s a WP plugin that can do the same, but I would enjoying seeing that.

  3. It is working perfectly fine for me, PG – which makes me fearful about any changes…

    The only thing I see is that the “Post Comment” text on the button is suddenly something like four point (the button is not tiny, just the caption).

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