Publishers Launch Weeklong #ReadPalestine Campaign

From Publishers Weekly:

Publishers for Palestine, a coalition of more than 350 publishers from around the world, has organized a weeklong campaign called #ReadPalestine, held November 29–December 5, during which participating publishers are offering free ebooks by Palestinian authors and about Palestinian history and culture.

More than 30 ebooks are free to download throughout #ReadPalestine week, timed to coincide with the U.N.’s International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The titles include fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, and are available in eight languages. Among the titles on offer are Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear by poet Mosab Abu Toha (City Lights Books), Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A Primer by journalist Phyllis Bennis (Interlink Books), and Hamas: From Resistance to Regime by historian Paola Caridi and translated by Andrea Teti (Seven Stories Press).

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The campaign encourages indie bookstores and libraries to participate in #ReadPalestine week through book displays and social media posts, and for readers to share their favorite books by Palestinian authors and about Palestine with the hashtag #ReadPalestine.

Publishers for Palestine was established earlier this month, publishing a statement of solidarity on November 3. The letter called for “an end to all violence against Palestinian people” and invited “publishers, and those who work in publishing industries around the world who stand for justice, freedom of expression, and the power of the written word, to sign this letter and join our global solidarity collective.”

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“Publishing, for us, is the exercise of freedom, cultural expression, and resistance,” the letter continued. “As publishers we are dedicated to creating spaces for creative and critical Palestinian voices and for all who stand in solidarity against imperialism, Zionism, and settler-colonialism. We defend our right to publish, edit, distribute, share, and debate works that call for Palestinian liberation without recrimination. We know that this is our role in the resistance.”

Link to the rest at Publishers Weekly

PG has no patience for any form of anti-semitism. From the date of Israel’s founding, when it was attacked by seven neighboring Arab nations, to today, when the worst sort of anti-Semitism is generated constantly by much of the Arab world, none of Israel’s neighbors regards a period of peace as anything more than a pause to replace their dead soldiers and rearm for the next attack.

The anti-Semitism of today is a direct descendant of the Nazi death camps and gas chambers.

For PG, Exhibit A of the steepening decline in values in America’s higher education system is the rise in the number of students and professors who are joining in the anti-Semitic campaign of hate for Jews.

With regard to the OP, a great many talented Jewish executives, editors, and authors were deeply involved in the growth and development of New York publishing during the 20th Century. The “publishers” supporting the “global solidarity collective” that is encouraging the Arab slaughtering of Israelis in their beds and the dismembering of Israeli children is proof that they have lost any sense of decency and are beneath contempt.

That the publishers participating in this disgusting campaign while claiming the “right” to be free of recrimination upsets PG even more. As the publishers might say, “Words have consequences.”

7 thoughts on “Publishers Launch Weeklong #ReadPalestine Campaign”

  1. One quibble with PG’s comments–Jordan and Egypt seem to have both basically made their peace with Israel’s existence, the former after Black September and the latter after the Camp David Peace Accords, and it’s probable that the Hamas attacks were meant to derail attempts by all parties involved to bring Israel and the states of the Arabian peninsula together in an anti-Iran coalition.

    That having been said, the situation in Gaza, which the Israelis evacuated in 2005, shows very clearly what “Palestinian liberation” actually looks like.

    It’s, uh, not great.

    • Good point about Jordan and Egypt, T. It’s nice to see some nations in the region can grow up and realize that ethnic hate has a corrosive effect on any society.

    • Derailing the Saudi’s pending formalization of their *existing* alliance with Israel was definitely the reason for Oct 7. Like Russia in Ukraine, the plan relies on the west having no stomach for any extented confrontation. Short attention spans are easy to exploit.

      That was the plan.
      It may not work.
      In the Saudi the “Palestinian question” has become a generational debate between their gerontocracy (the King and Siblings) and the Crown Prince and his followers, who recognize they need to somehow fill the vacuum left by the US discretely exiting the middle east mess. China doesn’t have the capabilities, Europe would bring back bad memories and they have bigger problems at home, India doesn’t trust anybody and particularly muslims, and who is left?
      Turkey brings back its own historical baggage and they’re a generation away from being able to be a regional hegemon (which they want. Just not yet.) Pakistan is perpetually a week from collapse. And Indonesia is sunni but at least *two* generations away from being able to help.

      Saudi needs a tech savvy military partner to balance Iran’s ties to russia.
      Israel is it.
      They’ve been cooperating quietly but their own geopolitical needs demand an open alliance for when they go after the mullahs once and for all and they don’t trust Turkey, who just proved why they can’t be counted on.

      For now the Saudis have tried to thread the needle and buy time by cozing up to China, hoping to sucker the US back. But the US, despite the gerontocracy’s best efforts, is still the biggest energy exporter on the planet and has no need to stabilize the region anymore.
      If anything, a broader middle east conflict would force Europe closer and push China downhill faster.

      Notice no OPEC oil embargo, no big Saudi pronouncements.
      Hamas miscalculated and now face their own Black September.

  2. Well, I didn’t see the State of Bavaria among the signatories to this garbage. Although it probably doesn’t matter, as it’s been in the public domain for some years now.

    The list (at least the names I recognize) are the usual collection of far-far-Left publishers. Including, of course, many of the ones most involved in encouragement of the alphabet soup people that would meet a most gruesome fate if they were actually in “Palestine.”

    Oh, that was supposed to be in reply to elliot01…

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