AI Training for Independent Publishers

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From Publishing Perspectives:

In England, the Independent Publishers Guild (IPG) has announced that it’s  putting together an “artificial intelligence” training program, for independent publishers, set for early October, ahead of Frankfurter Buchmesse.

There are to be workshops relative to the course at the organization’s autumn conference, which is set for September 20 in London.

Much of the program, it appears, is expected to revolve around “key AI tools to explore their strengths and weaknesses and develop best practices for their day-to-day use in publishing. All content will be tailored to the needs of independent publishers and will be relevant for anyone working with text-based AI solutions, including editorial, sales, marketing and publicity teams.”

There is, however, a component planned around what’s quickly developing as the more problematic side of AI and the debates around it, this vested in “an overview of the latest developments in the generative AI landscape and a summary of commercial, legal, ethical, and other principles that will help publishers decide how it can be used effectively and responsibly.”


Such cultural and ethical controversies are the attention-grabbers in the debate around these technologies, of course, and in most instances, they so far have remained mired in “yes, but” debates and increasingly contentious concerns about such issues as the potential copyright infringement around large language model training.

Salisbury-based consultant George Walkley is putting the program together for IPG, and is quoted in the announcement, saying, “Generative AI is a fast-moving area of technology that offers enormous potential for publishers, but also real risks.

“The business, technical, and ethical issues it raises have dominated discussion this year, and the IPG has been characteristically forward thinking in identifying the need for training in this area.

“I’m looking forward to delivering this course and giving independent publishers the skills they need to make the best possible use og AI.”

Link to the rest at Publishing Perspectives

PG doubts the term, “forward thinking” can be applied to traditional publishers except on a relative basis.

For perspective, PG is certain that a great many individuals working for publishers are decent and hardworking people.

However, he suggests that the model of the publisher being in charge of a book once the author hands off the manuscript is a relic of a bygone age. If an author is seeking someone to wrap her/him in a warm blanket for nurturing purposes, the author is looking in the wrong place.

A supportive spouse or close personal friend will do a much better job of nurturing without taking the majority of the money the book generates.

2 thoughts on “AI Training for Independent Publishers”

  1. A supportive spouse or close personal friend will do a much better job of nurturing without taking the majority of the money the book generates.

    This shark respectfully suggests this indicates a certain lack of experience in family-law matters…

  2. In case it is needed: in the UK “independent publishers” are non-multinational tradpubs, not Indies.

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