6 thoughts on “An AI Bot Mental Health Crisis”

  1. Antares got it.

    It’s the first generation were x. The second generation were y (10K ops). The third generation were zeroes, as in useless layabouts doing interpretive dance and DJ’ing.

  2. But his mother, at his age, had performed ten thousand heart transplants.

    His mother?

    Since when do ‘bots have mothers?

    • Like Data and Lal? I’m supposing a robot procreates by donating a piece of its (self-regenerating?) “positronic brain” to a new robot. If the donor robot uses a female form, it’s a mom. If it uses a male form, it’s a father.

  3. Bit of a stinger at the end of that. Quite amusing though. But, Rorschach tests, really.

    Anybody would think that the science of psychology hadn’t advance much beyond Freud and nothing since the 1950s.

    • Is “the stinger” the books on the shelf? I had to pause over them … which I notice are not in e-book form. Probably for the same reason they use Freudian psychology; it’s easier and gets to the punchline quicker.

  4. Clueless.

    If they advance half that fast they’ll have us exploring the solar system if not farther …

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