3 thoughts on “Fair Royalties”

  1. I guess there are people out there that do like to support the writers they enjoy.

    People also pay Amazon for books by dead authors that are free from Gutenberg. I suspect transaction costs have a lot to do with it.

    • While discovering CCEL and Gutenberg earlier in my internet browsing days was a thrill, I do sometimes buy a cheapo (ie 99 cents) version of a public domain work if it’s formatted nicely for my Kindle/phone app.

  2. Hmm, a bit like KU for ebooks, if you don’t like the pay you don’t have to offer it there – but some think it’s worth being discoverable there.

    I did like that they admitted that if your library offers it it’s free (so I’m assuming they don’t get paid at all that way.)

    My ebooks are not in KU because they are on a couple of websites where you can read them for free (not even a sign in) yet for some strange reason I’m still getting sales. I guess there are people out there that do like to support the writers they enjoy. 😉

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