His Mysterious Lady

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The Passive Voice is not a book blog. PG loves books, but there are many other excellent book blogs. PG is unable to say exactly what kind of blog TPV is, but he’s certain it’s not a book blog.

From time to time, PG receives requests from perfectly good authors to promote their books. He politely declines such requests.

Unless the requests are delivered in person. At breakfast.

Mrs. PG has book on Kindle Scout. When PG checked the rankings before this posting, Mrs. PG’s book was Hot.

As you may have guessed by the cover, the book is titled His Mysterious Lady.

A question has undoubtedly entered your mind, “Why is a mysterious lady lurking around Regency England?”

There’s a Viscount. PG isn’t sure of his name, but it might be Bob. So Viscount Bob meets a mysterious lady whose name is Virginia. The lady is named after the place of her birth. Fortunately, she wasn’t born in Massachusetts.

What’s a lady from Virginia doing in Regency England? She claims to have an inheritance from some dead English guy, but who knows? She’s not from Suffolk, so she could be lying.

After all, the War of 1812 is going on. To be fair, most of the Viscounts in England are way more worried about fighting a guy named Napoleon than dealing with a motley crew of former colonists who are in a constant state of peevishness.

But, for all Viscount Bob knows, all women from Virginia are congenital spies. However, he’s pretty sure that all women from Virginia are not as cute as this lady is. So, he decides it is his patriotic duty to check her out.

Viscount Bob is a really smart guy and an honorable one to boot. If Bob weren’t honorable, as PG clearly remembers from a Jane Austen movie he saw on Masterpiece Theater, Bob would be called a Miscount or a Discount.

PG can almost hear Lady Catherine de Bourgh saying, “I will never permit my daughter to marry a mere Discount. She must marry Mr. Darcy so their kids will be haughty and aloof!”

But PG digresses. Back to the mysterious Virginian, Virginia, and Mrs. PG’s book about her.

Mrs. PG and PG would appreciate it if you would check out His Mysterious Lady on Kindle Scout and click on the nominate button if you like what you see.

If click on the nominate button and Mrs. PG’s book is published by Amazon, you’ll win a free early copy of the book. That way you can finally find out what happens to Viscount Bob.


26 thoughts on “His Mysterious Lady”

  1. I nominated. I hope the good people at Kindle Press pick her, if would be awesome to have her join our little community.

  2. Oh, what a gorgeous cover! You know, I write book descriptions for a living, but I may have to retire now that I have been so handily bested by the better man. Le sigh. I’ll have to pin your most excellent example up on my wall as an example of what I should be striving for. And now, off to vote! Best of luck Mrs. PG!

  3. PG, has Mrs. PG considered substituting your description for the one she currently has? Your description makes me want to read the book about Discount Bob and Virginia, the Virginian. 🙂

    • Ditto.
      Better yet, you ought to try writing your version of a regency rom-com. I suspect it might end up part Bob Hope/Bing Crosby and part Marx Brothers. And all fun.

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