4 thoughts on “The Third Planet”

  1. Oddly enough the oxygen content in the atmosphere goes up and down over time and the periods where it is suitable for humans but a tiny fraction of the Earth’s history. So depending on the era, the martian could be right. In the carboniferous it hit between 40-50% and there were eagle sized dragonflies and alligator sized millipedes. Earlier (~700M years ago) it looks to have gone from 12% to 0.3% in a a few tens of millions of years).
    After the age of dinosaurs it went down again.

    21% is a rarity.

    Some of that data is new so its unclear if Bradbury had that in mind.


    “During the **Jurassic period**, which spanned approximately **140 to 250 million years ago**, the **atmospheric oxygen levels** fluctuated significantly. Here are some fascinating insights:

    1. **Triassic and Early Jurassic**:
    – Oxygen levels ranged between **12% and 13%**¹.
    – Humans could still breathe in this environment, although at **10% to 14%**, mental impairment due to oxygen deficiency would occur ¹.

    2. **Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary** (around **140 million years ago**):
    – Oxygen levels gradually dropped to **between 10% and 11%** over the next **40 million years**¹.

    3. **End of the Cretaceous** (when dinosaurs went extinct, **65 million years ago**):
    – Atmospheric oxygen levels **spiked up to 18%**¹.

    4. **Post-Cretaceous** (between **40 and 65 million years ago**):
    – Oxygen levels fluctuated wildly between **12% and 20%**.
    – Around **40 million years ago**, atmospheric oxygen levels stabilized at **21%**¹.

    In summary, the Jurassic period witnessed varying oxygen levels, impacting the flourishing of ancient life forms, including dinosaurs.

    Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/31/2024

    • I have tripled (at least) my knowledge about the Martian atmosphere by reading your comment. I thank you and your best friend, Bing, for providing this enlightenment, F.

    • HA!

      Bing clearly has not read:

      Beyond Plate Tectonics

      Maxlow was a student of Carey:

      Planet Earth: A Question Of Expansion (1982)

      Basically, the Earth started out half the size of the Moon, at one 12th gravity. That’s how you have centipedes as long as a bus and dragonflies with a four foot wingspan.

      – Dinosaurs could not exist on a one gravity Earth.

      To avoid TPV limit on links, here is a fun video showing the concept.

      – Just assemble the link to watch the video. HA!

      Expanding Earth Theory
      youtube( . )com/watch?v=vqF-vvi5uUA

      Watch how Australia nestles up between Asia and North America.

      Fun stuff.

      BTW, Today is April Fools, my High Holy Day.

      But I digress.

      • You got me good.
        Had me scared.
        At first I thought you were talking about Theia.
        Normally I ignore everything on April 1st and Dec 28th but I thought this place would be safe. :p

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