Urgent Care

Mrs. PG had a quick trip to Urgent Care today.

For those unfamiliar with US medical terminology, Intensive Care is when someone is likely to require the facilities of a hospital. You can walk into an Emergency Room to receive Intensive Care or whatever on your own, but a great many ER patients arrive in ambulances. Some are delivered by firefighters, police or concerned family members.

Calling to make an appointment with a physician to meet in the physician’s office usually results in Care, but PG is not familiar with any sort of adjective that is frequently used to particularize the nature of the Care other than plain-vanilla Medical Care.

During the last few decades, an intermediate-level medical facility has arisen in between Intensive Care/ER and a visit to a doctor’s office in many places. This level is called Urgent Care.

You can just show up at an Urgent Care facility without making an appointment like with an Emergency Room. While a hospital may be nearby, it is not attached to the Urgent Care offices. People who are bleeding dramatically or are otherwise putting on a flashy show are most likely taken to an Emergency Room.

Urgent Care is usually in-the-door and out-of-the-door within a couple of hours. Urgent Care usually provides more onsite surgical procedures onsite than a typical doctor’s office does.

At Urgent Care today, after being poked and prodded and answering a lot of questions, Mrs. PG was diagnosed with a mild case of pneumonia. She returned home with a couple of prescriptions and has been resting comfortably and doing a little work since then.

Therefore, PG didn’t have time to create more than this over-written explanatory post for TPV today.

3 thoughts on “Urgent Care”

  1. Thankfully.

    However, extreme care is required.
    There is something floating about that is being described as “pneumonia” and it is not to be taken lightly as it has connections to China (gulp!) and it is being played down by the locals there despite reports of some provincial crematoriums running 24×7.


    Now is not the time but… is the household vaccinated for flu and pneumonia?
    An annual habit worth adopting if not, for future times.
    We’re not done with respiratory critters…

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