Rather like “Orwellian”

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Rather like “Orwellian”, the term “Kafkaesque” has come to be used, often enough by those who have not read a word of Kafka, to describe what are perceived as typically or even uniquely modern traumas: existential alienation, isolation and insecurity, the labyrinth of state bureaucracy, the corrupt or whimsical abuse of totalitarian power, the impenetrable tangle of legal systems, the knock on the door in the middle of the night….

John R. Williams

1 thought on “Rather like “Orwellian””

  1. That’s the kind of week that I’ve been having, other than “the knock on the door in the middle of the night”, but the year is still young, so who knows.

    I’m waiting to see what is going to hit next.

    Just pulled the cornbread out of the oven, and set it out to cool.

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