How AI is Changing the Book Publishing World

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From GoodEreader:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has touched almost all aspects of life, and book publishing is no exception. There has been news that authors are spamming out Kindle Books using ChatGPT, which is a famous AI content generator. Ink AI has introduced a ChatGPT e-book generator that can create full-length e-books quickly and easily. In response, publishers are also taking initiatives to address the usage of AI in books writing. So, AI is about to change the book publishing industry, as we can say in the light of ongoing trends.

But this is not just Generative AI that might shape the future of book publishing. The industry is likely to witness many new techs/changes that may augment its operations with time. Once AI holds the edge, things can take a 360-degree turn in many areas.


While there’s still a lot to explore in AI, the technology may not deliver the quality that publishers expect for their level of editing. But, the suggestions that these AI tools offer will definitely be useful. This could be justified by the grammar/logical expression checking the potential of ChatGPT, which shows pretty decent results.

Yes, there will be some loopholes. For example, the AI may miss out on in-depth checking. Also, it might not identify the legendary write-ups amidst the ocean of books. However, such loopholes are expected from professional editors as well.


Gone are the days when people were just limited to conventional books, nowadays, the tech has certainly made things beyond mere literature. This could be justified by the incredible popularity of audiobooks and how they are dominating people’s reading routines. Additionally, movies and videos are game changers too. In the future, AI may gradually transform books into revenue-producing mediums so they can be more accessible and entertaining for readers. You can get an idea about it through the role of AI in the evolution of e-books.

Marketing and Competitive Analysis

AI can definitely act as a trump card in marketing through in-depth competitive analysis. It can help the industry to get real-time data on marketing trends, popular books, and the opportunities that are getting missed lately by the domain. Additionally, there will be direct interaction between both the authors and the audience. While the authors will be able to identify the ideal readers for their titles, it may become feasible for the audience to pinpoint the books of their interest.

Link to the rest at GoodEreader

After PG put up this post, one of the comments, from Thad McIlroy, pointed out that GoodEreader cribbed most of its article from one he had posted on his blog, The Future of Publishing.

PG checked out Thad’s blog, PG found it very interesting and subscribed so he could be alerted to new posts.

7 thoughts on “How AI is Changing the Book Publishing World”

      They do that all the time. Long history of it. They targeted Nate Hofelder with regularity. Still might, dunno.

      They at least bothered to run it through a chatbot to try to file off the serial numbers. That’s more effort than the used to put in. They used to just cut-n-paste.

  1. That article kind of feels like it was written by a chatbot.

    Also, Muphry’s Law struck in this sentence: “This could be justified by the grammar/logical expression checking the potential of ChatGPT”. That second “the” turns the sentence into nonsense.

  2. They forgot the most important thing that “AI” will bring to publishing:

    Increased need to replace keyboards as editors snort their beverages through their respective noses at “AI” errors. (And increased use of HSAs to pay for visits to otolaryngologists — a consequence that no “AI” would anticipate.)

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